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Writer's pictureLauren Vogel

6 Ways to "Take a Vinyasa"

I teach a class on Wednesday mornings called "Root." I love this class because it mixes flow and long held postures to create a dynamic experience for both the beginner and the more practiced yogi.

Since it's only an hour class I don't have much time to break down the complex tansisition between plank and down dog called a "Vinyasa."

There are lots of ways to do this but I've created a video detailing 6 ways. There are many more ways out there but these are my favorites. 1-4 are great for beginners, 5 is the standard Ashtanga Vinyasa and 6 is what I call a "Rewind." I love to challenge myself with the Rewind but I love to warm up with number 4.

If it's challenging, then good! Do it! That just means it will make you stronger!

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